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Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Testimony of my husband

My testimony of my husband. We all know that the heat has been overwhelming and its best to stay inside.One day last week my husband and Jen went to the store to get food for the house and it was so hot, but we all needed food. My son Dontrell came in my room saying Kenny fell out in backyard and that Isiah my cuzzin had to go pick him up. He fainted twice. So my cuzzin picked him up and brought him into the house. I was on my way downstairs to see him on the floor hot and Jen was next to him trying to get him to respond. I tried to get him to respond and said Kenny you want me to call the ambulance, there was no response, his body felt hot and he was at the point of a seizer. so what came to mind was pray in the spirit for him. I laid my hands over him and Jen did to and I begin to speak in the spirit and was saying Lord! please help him that he was healed by the stripes of Jesus. 

I continued to pray and he started waking up. I then began to thank God aloud for his blessing to wake my husband up. Jen asked him where he was he got it right so i put a cold towel press on him. Later that day he said that while he was on the floor something and saw a white light saying for him to wake up. It was God telling him to wake up. God is so good, so glorious, even though i can't thank him enough I love him and need to worship him more. He protected my husband and family. So thank you Lord. Family and friend speak life over your loved ones, pray in the spirit, because when you do that ole Satan don't understand what you are saying. Even though when you speak in the spirit and don't know what you are saying God does. That's my testimony and hope it encourages someone. Amen

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